The Pierson’s Creek Superfund Site includes
Pierson’s Creek, which begins in the vicinity of Avenue L in Newark, New Jersey
and travels through above-ground channels and below-ground culverts through
various properties in a general south, south-westerly direction until
discharging into the Port Newark channel of Newark Bay. The Site also includes
various unnamed tributaries that discharge into Pierson’s Creek including an
unnamed tributary located on the western border of 366-394 Wilson Avenue,
Newark, New Jersey, and includes any location from where contamination from the
creek or tributaries has come to be located. 366-394 Wilson Avenue (known as the Former
Globe Metals property) is the subject of this removal action on the Pierson’s
Creek Superfund Site.
Beginning in October 2012, EPA conducted several
of Pierson’s Creek that confirmed the presence of mercury in the creek sediments throughout the accessible portions of the creek, including the
unnamed tributary that is partially located on the 366-394 Wilson Avenue property.
Oberwil Corporation, previously owned the 366-394 Wilson Avenue (Block 5038, Lot 97). During the time of Oberwil Corporation’s
ownership of its property, Salomone Brothers, Inc. excavated soils and sediment
that contained hazardous substances including mercury from the unnamed
tributary of Pierson’s Creek that borders the western property line of the affected
property. The excavated soils and sediment were placed in three piles on the property. Recently 366-394 Wilson Avenue, LLC purchased the property from Oberwil.
The presence of mercury and other contaminants including lead and PCBs in the soil/sediment piles on the property, constitutes a release or threat
of release of a hazardous substance.
EPA notified Salomone Brothers, Inc. and
Oberwil Corporation that they are PRPs for the Site by general notice letters
dated April 20, 2020.
On July 7, 2021, Salomone Brothers, Inc. re-covered the three
piles of excavated soils and sediment on the property (considered a PJ1 activity) and continues to monitor the piles
to ensure the coverings remain in place. The
recovering was overseen by EPA and was necessary to help prevent the release of
hazardous substances from the piles because previously-placed covers had
EPA signed an Administrative
Order with Salomone Brothers, Inc. and 366-394 Wilson Avenue, LLC on August 4, 2022 requiring the contaminated soil piles be removed and the
materials properly disposed of off-site.